Tenjin Technology

For Better Teaching and Learning

Tenjin Technology is a cloud-based software application that supports the teaching and learning of accounting and finance.

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1190A machine cost €22,000 in 2011. It was depreciated at 20% per annum using the reducing balance method.
It had an expected useful life of seven years and an expected residual value of €4,614.
A full year’s depreciation was expensed in the year of purchase and none in the year of disposal.
The machine was disposed of in 2014 for €11,000.
What is the amount of the loss on disposal of the machine?
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hintsolutionsimilar question
Depreciation 2011(4,400)
Depreciation 2012(3,520)
Depreciation 2013(2,816)
Carrying amount 201411,264
Proceeds 201411,000
Loss on disposal264
Tolerance for submitted answers (plus or minus)zero
1190Depreciate the cost of the machine from 2011 to 2013 inclusive on a reducing balance basis to calculate the carrying amount of the machine at the beginning of 2014.
Compare the proceeds with the carrying amount to calculate the loss on disposal.


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Create interactive quizzes customized to your history. Generate new, randomized versions of a question until you've mastered it. Learn by doing: each problem includes a detailed solution. Take timed practice exams when you're ready.


Your students’ self-directed study tools help you make group-level insights about their progress and problem areas.

Automatic assessment lets you focus on teaching instead of testing and grading. Besides Tenjin's own reporting tools, you can create SCORM quizzes for use in your existing LMS. Generate unique assessments for each student, so results are reliable now and in the future.


Tenjin is designed for easy rollout, integrating seamlessly with your existing systems. Users of VLE’s such as Moodle and Blackboard can log into Tenjin via their built-in LTI feature. Students can also also use their preferred mobile device, with school-branded apps available on Google Play and the App Store

Support fact-based analysis with detailed performance data. Rich, real-time reports are securely available as direct downloads (for Microsoft Excel or Access) or using Tenjin's interactive reporting facility. Your records of Tenjin usage provide value that accumulates from year to year.

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